Hi Kirk-
Is there any way you could make Photo Mechanic work with the new Fuji F30 avi files? I could send you a sample file, if that would help. I haven't experienced this problem with any other Fuji point & shoots. Here's what happens...when ingesting or copying files from the card thru PM, everything works fine as far as copying the files to a folder. When you try to open any avi file, it says "Error Opening Movie...the movie could not be opened." If I take the xd card & simply drag the files to the folder on my desktop, they open fine. If I take that "working" folder & copy or move them using PM to generate thumbnails, the files get corrupt again. This didn't happen with the files from a Fuji F10 (the F30's predecessor).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Caryn Levy