I am on Vista Ultimate 64-bit.
I have one other minor issue to point out. It appears that even though I upload the images in a single batch with PM, they are being treated as separate jobs. ExposureManager sends an e-mail notification when it is done processing an upload job. Rather than getting a single upload "Image Processing complete for job xxx" notification e-mail, I get one for almost every file.
Here's a sample:
Dear Danny,
This message is to inform you that your image processing job is complete.
We processed a total of 1 images with 0 errors.
Your images were placed in Main Gallery.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The ExposureManager Team
Out of an upload containing about 100 images, I got 77 notifications. So most of them were for only one file, but there was a small number that said 2 images got processed.
It's possible that this is a side effect of the way their REST API works. It looks like you get a session ID back from the POST that uploads a file, rather than specifying an ID as part of the upload data. If that's the case, then there might not be a way for you to ensure all the files are processed in a single session. Their document is a bit sketchy. Hopefully there is a way to ensure a job doesn't start until you tell it that you are done with the uploads.