Author Topic: Losing selections  (Read 2778 times)

Offline devenh

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Losing selections
« on: March 13, 2009, 04:46:01 PM »
I've been having a problem where my selections is the contact sheet are occasionally lost.  It happens intermittently, so I cannot reproduce it, but these are the conditions where it occurs:

1. Open multiple directories in one contact sheet
2. Narrow the selection by clicking on 0 Star
3. Use the Find command to further narrow the selection
4. Press F2 to display only the selected images
5. Preview one of the images
6. Close the preview
7. At this point, the only image is the CS is the image that was just previewed (so only one image in the CS, all the other selected images are no longer displaye).  Sometimes this only happens after clicking on the scroll bar (note it is possible my click missed the scroll bar and hit an image).

Maybe if anyone else has run into this they can comment on what the conditions were.

4.6 Windows Vista
