I never used to have this problem, but in version 4.6 (and maybe the previous version as well) there is no "Ingest Tasks" dialogue box to show the progress of my ingests. I just hear a noise when the ingest is complete.
I often have a card reader plugged in all day and dump more and more CF cards to my computer where the dialogue should appear each time showing me the progress of my current and finished ingests.
PM unmounts the disk automatically like it is supposed to according to my settings. But when I remove the card reader it sometimes leads to problems like cards not being read automatically, crashes, and PM freezing. I sometimes have to restart my computer and am unsure if the card was fully copied to my computer.
Photo M: version 4.6
Mac OSX 10.4.11
Macbook - 2.16 GHz Duo Core
2GB DDR2 Ram
Thanks in advance,
Rye Photo