How should i set my settings with the type of usage I'll be using PM with. Especially for the viewing and exporting areas.. I get a little confused when looking at the prefs to change..
this is what i use pm for.
1. Ingest Photos
2. Sort Photos
3. ACR adjustments / Photoshop for Some
4. Export / Convert to Jpeg for client high res files.
(the save as works just fine for my PSD files to jpeg, i just have a problem with actual raw files being converted)
I probably should be switching out to Bridge to do a batch process to lessen the steps taken for converting?
If you're adjusting RAW files you'll have to save them as TIFF, PSD, or JPEG in the application of your choice (Bridge, Photoshop, Lightroom.) Once your images are rendered then Photo Mechanic can perform the #4 tasks you listed.
As for the settings in the Photo Mechanic Preferences dialog, here is what I recommend for Adobe users:
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