I have been using Reveal for a few days to edit the exif info of my Film scans but it is far from satisfactory and also an issue as I would like to keep my jumping around to more apps to a minimum. I tried to edit the fields that I need in Photomechanic but it is either not possible or I am overlooking something. I shoot with a Mamiya 645 AFDII and it records the aperture, shutter speed, exposure compensation and a file number into the bottom of the film guide area. I really like to have this info - is there any way for photomechanic to enable me to add exif info into the appropriate fields for shutter speed, aperture value, exposure bias value and iso?
I am using Aperture 3.0 to then store the frames but Aperture is disapointing in that I can not use it to add the exif data neither. ( As far as I can discover)
I may resort to a database in Bento or Numbers (I already use numbers to keep track of my film developing and it works great (better that Filemaker)) ... but so far don't know if my issue would be solvable there neither ... and I'd like to avoid extra software if I can help it.