Author Topic: Photo Mechanic public beta 2  (Read 6433 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic public beta 2
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:18:56 PM »
Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce the second public beta version of Photo Mechanic  This new version addresses a couple of issues that were discovered after the release of Photo Mechanic

Download the Mac OS X version here.
Download the Windows version here.

Version Information

* (Win) Fixed a hanging bug in the Import GPS Coordinates command.
* (Mac) Changed copy code to use 'ditto' instead of our own copy code.  This is an attempt to resolve the speed issues present on Mac OS X 10.6.x.
* Changed how QuickTime files are opened to prevent QuickTime from showing UI dialogs/windows on our background threads which would cause Photo Mechanic to crash.
* Improved handling of low memory conditions.