I'm running PM on OSX 10.6.2.
I've been reading through the manual and to my delight I found that there are variables for Nikon Picture Controls (e.g. {pcnm}, {pcsh}, etc). I added some of these to the Info window using [Set Info Text...]. I see that this shows the Picture Control values corresponding to the as-shot/in-camera settings.
I also find that after changing the Picture Control settings in Nikon Capture NX2 (e.g. from "Standard" to "Portrait" or "Landscape", etc, or changing the numerical value for any of the parameters like Sharpness/Brightness/Saturation/Contrast) that the new value is NOT picked up and displayed by PM in the info window. It still shows the as-shot setting, rather than the NX2 updated setting. Is this expected behavior?
It is certainly useful that I can show as-shot Picture Control values in PM, but it would be really nice if it could show the edited values (updated by NX2). I guess this means that NX2 is storing the "edited" P.C. settings in a different place in the NEF file than the "original" P.C. settings (I suppose the original setting must be retained in order for NX2 to provide Revert-To-Original functionality). In any case, is there any way for PM to display the edited P.C. settings, if changes have been made to the NEF file with NX2?
I'm using NEFs from a D90 and Nikon Capture NX2 version 2.2.2, though I suppose this might apply to anyone who uses Capture NX2 with a Picture Control enabled Nikon (D300, D3, D5000, etc).
Happy New Year!