Thankfully Toms advice on PM settings for XMP/IPTC solved my first problem with titles/caption syncing, but have a new hitch. I use LR 2.4 for most of my image manipulation, but have started using PM for the abilty to append and alter titles/captions etc. I have a mix of NEF and JPG files. If I edit the caption field in PM and read the metadata back in LR the NEFs are fine, but it is resetting the image adjustments in the develop module of LR for JPG?
I know that LR doesn't actaully adjust the original image but holds the image adjustments to both JPG & NEF in the catalogue. Does anyone know why reading the metadata of JPGs is affecting the developement setting?
I have set my PM preferences as Tom suggested as per attachment which works great for syncronising titles/captions. is there something in this that needs ot be changed to stop PM altering the develop settings in LR?
Thanks for any advice as really like PM, but not if it undoes my work in LR!
Thanks Mike
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