Author Topic: Duplicated keywords in the caption field  (Read 3623 times)

Offline pacoferia

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Duplicated keywords in the caption field
« on: January 26, 2010, 05:00:29 AM »
I´m having an issue when using structured keywords panel to enter keywords in the caption field, I get duplicated keywords this does not happens in the keywords field itself, but for some reason beyond my understanding the caption field does, I put an example below about what I´m talking about,

example ( using the structured keywords panel  for applying keywords into the caption field ):

1º entry: , people, age, adult  ( comma in front of people  is entered authomatically this does not happens when entering keywords into the keyword field ),
2º entry: , people, age, teen, teenager

Total keywords into the caption field: , people, age, adult, people, age, teen, teenager

As you can see people is present twice, and this will happens every time that I use any keywords chain containing the people word also happens with any other keywords, and as I said before this never happens into the keywords field, so ¿could be something changed in order to fix this issue ?

the reason I need use the caption field as a second keyword field is that I run an online image bank in both languages, English & Spanish, I use the keyword field to put the spanish language and the caption for the same but in english language, duplicated words in the caption field means a lot of work cleaning those words, please any clue on this?
Thanks in advanced.

Mac G5 intel-  OS Snow leopard

Paco Feria / photojournalist

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Duplicated keywords in the caption field
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 07:01:45 AM »

I'll look into it and see what I can do.


Offline pacoferia

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Re: Duplicated keywords in the caption field
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 08:57:46 AM »
I'll wait.
Paco Feria / photojournalist

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Duplicated keywords in the caption field
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 10:17:12 AM »

I've looked into the issue.  I am able to reproduce the behavior, but I'm sorry to say that the behavior is expected.  The Keywords field is special.  It only has keywords in it so the code that adds keywords parses all of the current keywords and doesn't add new keywords that are the same as the current set of keywords.  The Caption field can have anything in it: paragraphs, sentences, and things that look like a set of keywords but may not be.  If the Keywords logic were to be applied to the Caption field then words in a sentence or a paragraph would all be interpreted as keywords and then odd things would happen.

For instance, let's say the following sentence starts out the Caption:

Mary milks a cow on the family dairy farm.  Keywords:

Then one opens up the Structured Keywords panel and applies the following path of keywords:

agriculture | farming | farms | dairy farm

The current result would be:

Mary milks a cow on the family dairy farm.  Keywords: ; agriculture, farming, farms, dairy farm

If the keywords algorithm were applied then the result would be:

Mary milks a cow on the family dairy farm.  Keywords: ; agriculture, farming, farms

'dairy farm' would be dropped off the list because it already exists in the sentence.


Offline pacoferia

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Re: Duplicated keywords in the caption field
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 10:25:13 AM »
Ok, I figured it out, many thanks anyway.
Paco Feria / photojournalist