I have a problem that my two neurons r not able to solve...
here is the scenario: I ingest a disk...then tag the pictures I need to send....then open one of them with PS....then save it in a a folder and so again till the end...i would like to have an automatic sequence number from for example ABC01 and so again for all the pictures entering this to do it
Select the photos in Photo Mechanic. Use the Rename Photos command on the File menu. In the rename text field enter:
Then set the 'Sequence' checkbox. Click on the 'Set {seqn} variable...' button and type:
into the {seqn} value: text field. If you have more than 99 photos you may want to add an additional zero, making your initial sequence value 001 instead of 01.
Click the OK button to accept your new sequence number. Click the Rename button. A few moments later your images will all be named ABC01, ABC02, etc.