Author Topic: sharpening during "save as" for jpg  (Read 2531 times)

Offline gdpaige

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sharpening during "save as" for jpg
« on: June 13, 2010, 12:53:18 PM »
I recently read an interesting post in Nikonians regarding sharpening after downsizing. This is typically related to converting processed raw images for web, postings of various forms, and slide shows. PM has a convenient means of doing this in the Save As dialog box, as a check box. However, it seems to be an all or nothing gambit. I have used it off and on, and find it very convenient and fast. However, sometimes images appear a bit edgy, bordering on oversharpening or at times indeed a bit overdone. I have not found a setting for the strength applied, and wonder if in some new version this might be appreciated by a substantial number of PM users. A slider, or even a 3-level option, might be quite useful. Thoughts?

Offline NeilR

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Re: sharpening during "save as" for jpg
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 01:29:00 PM »
I agree 100% with this and asked about some strength options many years ago. 

Offline Cycleboy

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Re: sharpening during "save as" for jpg
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 09:22:47 AM »
YES! I hate machines doing things I canĀ“t follow ???


Offline runner

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Re: sharpening during "save as" for jpg
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 02:41:55 AM »
I like the sound of a 3-level option, a little less sharpening for an image which is say 800 pixels & going to be used on a web site, standard as current, then i find myself looking for more sharpening when outputing for print at around 2150 pixels & above.