I was sending a large batch of images last night via FTP and suddenly realized that a bunch of them had not been correctly renamed (my fault). As they were a fair way down the list in the FTP Upload window I figured I could easily delete them from the FTP queue, then rename them correctly and add them back to the queue. Whilst I was able to do this ok, a couple of ideas occurred to me to make the process easier.
1. I found that I could only select and delete one image from the FTP queue at a time. It would be very helpful if it was possible to select multiple images, by either shift-clicking (for a contiguous batch) or command-clicking the chosen images and then delete them from the queue. Also, in order to delete a selected image from the queue one has to click on the trashcan button. It would be easier to be able to simply hit the delete key - or maybe command-delete for added safety.
2. It would be very useful to be able to click & drag images in the FTP queue to rearrange the sending order.
What do you think, Kirk? Any chance these changes could be incorporated into PM?
Paul Smith