As a computer programmer as well as a photographer I understand the strategy of not pre-announcing GA dates, but it is a double bladed sword. While it keeps you from missing a promised delivery date and looking incompetent (ala Microsoft), it may also force potential customers, or even existing customers, to go elsewhere because they cannot get the functionality they need. I have been coding all my gallery pages for my business website by hand using Dreamweaver. It now takes too much time. I have been looking at Project Seven galleries, some free packages including those running under LAMP systems, and just yesterday tripped on the gallery feature of PM. So here is the dilemna: I can spend my money on the P7 gallery software which I can customize as needed and skip PM maintenance next time since that will be a feature that I won't need, or I can wait for the promised templates/customization enhancements of PM ... the problem is that I could be forced to wait another year since you won't commit. I certainly will not wait more than two months because I won't go into another calendar year without a tool to create galleries. The more features I am forced to purchase elsewhere because I can't count on getting them from PM the less likely I will be to continue on maintenance ... I can simply continue to use PM I would prefer to stick with PM since it is integrated but I can't wait interminably.