Author Topic: Opening an image with Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible  (Read 3173 times)

Offline srichart4

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Opening an image with Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible
« on: March 25, 2012, 11:32:15 AM »
I'm using Photo Mechanic 4.6.8 and Windows 7 64 bit OS.

I'm processing scans and photographs for a preservation project. When I double click on an image, it opens in full view, then I click minimize to see the Information, Crop, Zoom panel on the right, and then maximize. Then I open up the IPTC info for the image and work my way through the images adding meta data.  We're using Library of Congress subjects terms, and they often change significantly image to image. If the like image is only a few back, I using the navigation arrows, then copy and paste the subject terms. Often enough the like image is 20 or so images back, and I exit out, find the processed images, copy and then call back up the one needing processing.  The minimizing and then maximizing each time are just added steps I would rather not do. 

I would like to double click on an image and have it open with the Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible and not have to minimize, then maximize.  Is that doable?


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Opening an image with Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 12:53:55 PM »

I'm using Photo Mechanic 4.6.8 and Windows 7 64 bit OS.

I'm processing scans and photographs for a preservation project. When I double click on an image, it opens in full view, then I click minimize to see the Information, Crop, Zoom panel on the right, and then maximize. Then I open up the IPTC info for the image and work my way through the images adding meta data.  We're using Library of Congress subjects terms, and they often change significantly image to image. If the like image is only a few back, I using the navigation arrows, then copy and paste the subject terms. Often enough the like image is 20 or so images back, and I exit out, find the processed images, copy and then call back up the one needing processing.  The minimizing and then maximizing each time are just added steps I would rather not do. 

I would like to double click on an image and have it open with the Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible and not have to minimize, then maximize.  Is that doable?

I'm not sure quite what you're describing by minimize and maximize.  Do you mean that you're just hiding and showing the controls on the right side of the Preview window?  Or are you minimizing the Preview window to the Windows Taskbar?

You can use the IPTC Info dialog from within the Preview window by typing 'i' when you're viewing an image.


Offline srichart4

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Re: Opening an image with Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 02:28:46 PM »
When I double click, I get the full image, but often need to zoom in and out due to the type of material I'm looking at.  Some are old photographs and I might be trying to figure out specifics about the photo, i.e., is there a photographer listed or embossed on the photograph or other notes. Others are documents and I'm trying to extract names. 

If I double click and just get the full image, I can zoom (with a Z), but not control the zoom.  If I minimize and then maximize, then I can zoom in or out as much as needed.  I have the IPTC stationary pad open to enter data in either format.  I've found I much prefer to enter everything in the IPTC Stationary Pad then to put it into an Excel spreadsheet and then upload.

If it isn't something I can control, that's OK.  What I'm doing works.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Opening an image with Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 02:42:57 PM »

When I double click, I get the full image, but often need to zoom in and out due to the type of material I'm looking at.  Some are old photographs and I might be trying to figure out specifics about the photo, i.e., is there a photographer listed or embossed on the photograph or other notes. Others are documents and I'm trying to extract names. 

If I double click and just get the full image, I can zoom (with a Z), but not control the zoom.  If I minimize and then maximize, then I can zoom in or out as much as needed.  I have the IPTC stationary pad open to enter data in either format.  I've found I much prefer to enter everything in the IPTC Stationary Pad then to put it into an Excel spreadsheet and then upload.

You can control the zoom level with '+' and '-' keys.
Control-clicking in the Preview will zoom in on the clicked area.  Control-clicking a second time will go back to the fit-to-screen mode.
'f' will toggle full screen mode.
'i' will bring up the IPTC Info for the current preview.  You don't really want to use the IPTC Stationery Pad on single files since it will not show you any existing IPTC information.  Use the IPTC Info dialog when working with single images in the Preview window.

The manual reveals more of the keyboard shortcuts that can really save you time.

You can get the manual here:



Offline srichart4

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Re: Opening an image with Information, Crop, Zoom panel visible
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 03:05:30 PM »
Kirk stated: You don't really want to use the IPTC Stationery Pad on single files since it will not show you any existing IPTC information.  Use the IPTC Info dialog when working with single images in the Preview window.

I used the wrong term.   I'm using the Info dialog.  I use the stationary pad to add repetitive fields for a series from a specific museum.

I'll give + and _ a  chance.