No functionality issues at all so far. The new crop and preview functionality is great, very helpful.
Not to beat a dead horse regarding the color, but the two specific places that i have problems with the colors, and that really hurt usability for me, are specifically in the Structured Keywords panel where the black text on the dark grey background is almost impossible for me to read from any distance. No contrast here at all, I find it hard to believe that anyone can like this scheme. Changing the text to White when selected looks fine, but the background is far too dark for black text. The other is the blue color that appears on the folder names when you expand a drive in the Navigator window, same problem for me with legibility.
Comparing the usability of the UI between V4.6.9 and V5, I don't see any big difference, other than the two items noted above, for me. In general I find the gray backgrounds to be soothing, I just think you have gone "too gray" in a couple of places. And those two issues, at least for me, could easily be solved by giving me the ability to alter the overall background color of PM5. Three features would be nice to have in this area. The first is to note what color you have picked for Backgrounds/Selected/etc. I find it very difficult to tell, from the little swatches, witch color is selected. Second would be to have the Apply button work for a "test", without leaving the dialog as it does for other changes, in fact I would like Apply to be a "test" overall. Third would be to have a "reset to default" button for your standard color scheme.
I'll pop the other "feature requests" where they belong
