Author Topic: PM5 file and folder permissions  (Read 4232 times)

Offline drmrbrewer

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PM5 file and folder permissions
« on: August 09, 2012, 11:53:41 PM »
Hi Kirk

Does PM5 (or its installer) do anything different with file and folder permissions in the program folder than did V4?  Because I've had a few instances where the program shortcut couldn't see PM5 (as if it wasn't installed), which turned out to be a permissions issue with the PM5 program folder.  And then a few times one or more files in the ruby scripts folder has caused problems... this happened a moment ago when I tried to upgrade to the latest build... the installer complained about not having permissions on a ruby file.  I had to uninstall completely, then manually delete the leftover folders in the PM5 program folder, then re-install.  On re-installing, I then had the problem of not being able to run PM5 until I had browsed into the PM5 program folder (and in doing so giving permission to access that folder).  I'm on Vista Ultimate 32 bit.  This didn't happen ever with PM4.



Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: PM5 file and folder permissions
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2012, 07:00:17 AM »

Does PM5 (or its installer) do anything different with file and folder permissions in the program folder than did V4?  Because I've had a few instances where the program shortcut couldn't see PM5 (as if it wasn't installed), which turned out to be a permissions issue with the PM5 program folder.  And then a few times one or more files in the ruby scripts folder has caused problems... this happened a moment ago when I tried to upgrade to the latest build... the installer complained about not having permissions on a ruby file.  I had to uninstall completely, then manually delete the leftover folders in the PM5 program folder, then re-install.  On re-installing, I then had the problem of not being able to run PM5 until I had browsed into the PM5 program folder (and in doing so giving permission to access that folder).  I'm on Vista Ultimate 32 bit.  This didn't happen ever with PM4.

As you may have noticed, the installer for PM5 is all-new and may have some issues.  I no longer create the installers.  The PM4.6.x installer was basically the same installer for 10 years and had plenty of time for tuning.

I will make sure that the developer doing the installer for PM5 on Windows knows about the issues you've encountered.



Offline drmrbrewer

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Re: PM5 file and folder permissions
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 12:12:59 PM »
OK thanks, Kirk.


Offline drmrbrewer

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Re: PM5 file and folder permissions
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 12:13:55 PM »
Here is a screenshot showing the dialog which popped up during an upgrade to the recently-released new build.  I had to completely uninstall and re-install, with no issues on the re-install.


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