Hi Kirk,
On a Win7 system, in the IPTC Stationary pad, when I single click to open a drop down menu of a field, the mouse cursor by default is hovering over the "Add XXX" when it's a new value in the filed, or "Remove XXX" when it's an already saved value.
With my itchy trigger finger on the mouse and being used to double click, it happens often that I add or, which is worse, delete (remove) a value unintentionally to/from from the saved list of a field.
Is it possible to have another option "Close" added on top that just closes the drop down menu without doing anything to the field or list and above which the mouse cursor is hovering by default when the drop down box is opened.
That way if someone (like me) inadvertently double clicks it just open and closes the drop down menu of that field without modifying anything. Adding or Removing a value then needs a conscious move of the mouse cursor.