Author Topic: False date during Live Ingest  (Read 2849 times)

Offline BlueDevilHH

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False date during Live Ingest
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:25:29 AM »

I'm trying to setup the live ingest-Dialog in PM 5 to monitor a folder on my computer and get the pictures to rename and copy them into a new folder..

The target is to transfer the pics out of my 1D Mark III over WLAN (with WFT-E2) i a folder with the name /Users/Mario/Pictures/WFT. The transfer is ok and the pictures will be transfered with the right date in the IPTC-Fields (today the 2012/09/29).

If I setup PM to watch this folder to rename and copy the pictures into another folder, they will be copied into a folder with the name 2012.05.03_Test, but the settings in Live Ingest is "into folder with name" with "{iptcyear4}.{iptcmonth0}.{iptcday0}_Test". So it should be "2012.09.29_Test" and not "2012.05.03_Test"....

importing with the same settings in the Ingest-Dialog copy the pictures in a right named folder "2012.09.29".

What's the problem...I can't find a problem in my settings and so I think there is a problem in PM 5

My PM Version is Photo Mechanic Version 5.0, build 13230 (e39c1b7)
My Computer is a MacBook Pro Mid 2012 with OS X 10.8.2

Thanks for support,


Offline BlueDevilHH

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Re: False date during Live Ingest
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2012, 12:18:43 PM »
Problem fixed! Thank you!