New to PM5 and am confused. Here it goes...
I have a ton (About 1-2 TB) of RAW and .JPG files I want to Ingest (?), Browse (After cataloguing ?) and TAG (Metadata) properly.
The problem is where to start. I understand the TAGging part but there is so much misinformation that I can't decipher the right/wrong one.
Examples ?i) "Photo Mechanic is not an image editor, it is not a RAW processor and it is not a cataloging application."
(From the manual 4.6.3... BTW where is the PM5 PDF Manual ?)ii) "The next big thing! Photo Mechanic’s Catalog is the same Photo Mechanic you know and love, with an added SQL database..."
http://www.camerabits.com/products/catalog/Now for the questionsOnce the files have been ingested are the in an SQL database or not ?
Can I ingest an entire drive and TAG later ?
Can I TAG using the SQL database and apply the TAGS to files (mount the drive then...) later ?
Superb software but a little unclear for newbies - sorry ?
And yes I have gone through the 4.6.3 manual.
Thanks anyone for answering