The benefits for me personally is that it is very useful for directing users with questions that arise again and again to a specific topic in the manual that answers their question. I can't do that easily with a PDF manual. The user has to first download the manual and then I have to describe a page number and paragraph.
This savings in time and efficiency allows me to spend more time working on Photo Mechanic and Catalog.
Ah, that makes perfect sense and in that respect the wiki is definitely a good implementation of the manual.
It may not be best for offline reference however.
As converted to a PDF it definitely is lacking compared to a purpose-built PDF document.
Yes, exactly.
- It doesn't have a proper table of contents
- It doesn't have an index
- It doesn't have any clickable links
- It has layout issues (e.g., loose headers, widow & orphan lines, etc.)
So basically, I don't think the wiki is a proper replacement of a user manual.
Would a downloadable full hypertext version alleviate any of your difficulties? This is something you could view offline, and get clickable links within the manual, allowing you to use the full table of contents. This is something we could provide if it would benefit you.
Hi Mick,
This would, I think, only solve the problem of non-clickable links, not any of the other items.
Anyway, to be honest I seldom
need the manual (I know my way around PM pretty well, I believe), so in that sense it has no urgency for
me. However, I do like to be able to browse through a manual, and having a proper table of contents and index does help here.