As a potential user currently evaluating Photo Mechanic, I would also like to log my vote for the Nikon NEF 'lens description' field and also the white balance fine tune value so that we see sunny+1 or cloudy-2 as per the actual camera setting. Since we are in this area, a full rendition of the flash setting wouldn't go amiss either

Photo Mechanic is a great piece of software and sits very well with Capture NX. I love the slick interface and quality of display and the fact that using the internal jpeg mirrors all of the NX adjustments.
However, I am one of these old fashioned photographers who likes to try to set the white balance, exposure etc. correctly in the camera and as such these values are quite important to me. If these exif values had been available in the software now I would have already have bought a copy. As it is I am still hanging on with Nikon View and trying to decide whether or not I can do without them.
Just my 2 cents (well 2p actually in the uk)