Thanks for feedback.
I'm not native English speaker so I'm not sure that I understand Your answer.
Before I give details in my answer a little explanation from PhaseOne for different suffix TIFF and IIQ:
The reason for tiff is the technology pre-dates the OS quick look architecture we have now .Tif was used as a common file type so that thumbnail can be seen and displayed in the finder/explorer without proprietary software. IIQ was introduced to prevent users confusing Tif RAW and Tiff processed, but is fundamentally the same file."Jochen,
I managed to find a Phase One .IIQ file. I tried it with Preview on my Mac OS X 10.9.5 system and Preview will not render it.
Attached two screenshots with data of pictures as I wrote in my post on: Today at 01:21:04 pm. You see the different in data and quality.
The screenshot ist made in finder of Mac OS X 10.9.5.
I mark the pictures and
don't use the application preview.
Instead I use the key Space and I see the pictures immediate in finder.
You see the result in next two screenshots in same scale.
.TIFF can open in application preview, see text right top.
.IIQ cannot open in application preview but in application Capture One, see text right top.
I think the Mac OS X can handle IIQ files.
You are agree?
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