Author Topic: multiple ingests  (Read 12853 times)

Offline ssphoto

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multiple ingests
« on: January 30, 2007, 06:37:50 AM »
Forgive me if this is an elementary quesiton, I know I can have multiple ingests in the same window, but is it possible to have multiple ingest windows up at the same time? Also, how can I set the preferences so the ingest window does not disappear when each individual ingest is finished?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 06:59:00 AM »
Forgive me if this is an elementary quesiton, I know I can have multiple ingests in the same window, but is it possible to have multiple ingest windows up at the same time? Also, how can I set the preferences so the ingest window does not disappear when each individual ingest is finished?

When you say "multiple ingest windows" are you talking about the Ingest Progress windows, or are you talking about the Ingest dialog that kicks off the Ingest?  Or are you talking about contact sheets?

What version of Photo Mechanic are you running?
What OS are you running?


Offline ssphoto

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2007, 09:15:58 AM »
The ingest dialog window, not the progress window.
PM version
Mac OS 10.3.9

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 10:13:06 AM »
The ingest dialog window, not the progress window.
PM version
Mac OS 10.3.9

The Ingest dialog is a modal dialog.  When you Close, Cancel, or Ingest, it closes and either just goes away or kicks off an Ingest.  You can open it up again (Command-G) to start another Ingest.

Modal dialogs just work that way.  What you want would be a modeless dialog.

What is it that you want to do that would need the Ingest dialog to stick around?  It's kind of large, sits above all other windows and would just get in the way.


Offline ssphoto

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 10:24:52 AM »
we have someone whose entire job at the super bowl is to ingest disk. it would be really great if he could have four separate windows (one for each photog), that way he won't have to select a separate iptc file each time he gets a disk from a different photographer. if all four stay up, each could have separate iptc associated and also folder structure. the interference with other things doesn't matter since photo mechanic is the only program he needs to use

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 10:34:23 AM »
we have someone whose entire job at the super bowl is to ingest disk. it would be really great if he could have four separate windows (one for each photog), that way he won't have to select a separate iptc file each time he gets a disk from a different photographer. if all four stay up, each could have separate iptc associated and also folder structure. the interference with other things doesn't matter since photo mechanic is the only program he needs to use

That's what Active Memory was supposed to solve, but AM cards were never released.

Here is what I would do:

Setup the Ingest dialog for the first Photographer, including the IPTC Stationery Pad.  Use the snapshot button (lightning bolt icon on a button) to save the settings with the first Photographer's name.
Repeat this for each Photographer.

Then when it comes time to Ingest, use the snapshot button to load the settings for the Photographer's card.  This way you won't have to fumble around a file picker dialog to load the IPT files.



Offline ssphoto

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2007, 02:26:45 PM »
thanks kirk, that's the setup we have now. the only thing is that the snapshot button in the ingest window doesn't preserve the iptc data (only the snapshot button in the iptc window does). wierd, but when we toggle to different photogs in the ingest window, the iptc data remains the same.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2007, 03:03:12 PM »
thanks kirk, that's the setup we have now. the only thing is that the snapshot button in the ingest window doesn't preserve the iptc data (only the snapshot button in the iptc window does). wierd, but when we toggle to different photogs in the ingest window, the iptc data remains the same.

OK, then I'll fix that in version 4.5.


Offline ajmast

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Re: multiple ingests
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2007, 05:59:54 AM »
So here are a couple of way to not have to change IPTC files per photographer for event ingests:

1. If everyones camera has the photographers name set in the camera use the {owner} variable in IPTC fields when you need the photographers name. You can also use it during ingest to rename files and create folder names.

2. If everyones name is not set (maybe you have some loaner or pool cameras or some model that does not support it)
Set up a code replacement (CR) file with the serial numbers for each photographers camera(s) linked to the photographers name.

Then put that variable {serialnum} in the IPTC fields you need it in as a code replacement object \{serialnum}\ by default

So your CR file will have

Serial         Photographer
1112562     Photographer 1
3256452     Photographer 2

Then in IPTC when you want it just put \{serialnum}\ and you get the photographers name.

Then you do not have to change the IPTC at all and can ingest without thinking about whose card it is.

NOTE: drop the leading zeros on canon serial numbers if they exist.