Author Topic: Opening multiple folder contact sheets  (Read 6153 times)

Offline SamFrost

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Opening multiple folder contact sheets
« on: October 11, 2007, 02:10:13 AM »
As mentiond in this thread, a command to combine all currently open contact sheets into one new sheet would be very useful.

As you said it might be tricky, if it is not possible I would still like some way of opening new folders into the same contact sheet to that currently provided with the navigator.  The reasoning is that when I need to open lots of folders in one contact sheet, it is fiddly to have to go through all the desired folders in the navigator individually and right click each one to add it to the current contact sheet.  As far as I can see this is the only way of opening multiple folders into one contact sheet.  Therefore, some simpler method, either menu commmand or drag-and-drop based, of opening a multi-folder contact sheet would be perfect.

Currently, if I drop multiple folders onto the PM icon in the Dock, I get multiple contact sheets, as expected and desired.  If I drop individual files onto an open contact sheet they are copied to that contact sheet (as long as it is only of a single folder), also as expected and desired.  If however I drop a folder into an open contact sheet, that contact sheet is replaced with the contents of the folder.  Would it be possible to change that behaviour so that instead of replacing the contact sheet it adds that folder to the current contact?  For those who prefer the current behaviour, a preference could be added to set the behaviour on dropping folders into a contact sheet - either replace the contact sheet as now, open a new tab with the folder, or combine the folders into one contact sheet.

Is any of that feasible? Or does anyone else need this?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Opening multiple folder contact sheets
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 06:42:48 AM »

As mentiond in this thread, a command to combine all currently open contact sheets into one new sheet would be very useful.

As you said it might be tricky, if it is not possible I would still like some way of opening new folders into the same contact sheet to that currently provided with the navigator.  The reasoning is that when I need to open lots of folders in one contact sheet, it is fiddly to have to go through all the desired folders in the navigator individually and right click each one to add it to the current contact sheet.  As far as I can see this is the only way of opening multiple folders into one contact sheet.  Therefore, some simpler method, either menu commmand or drag-and-drop based, of opening a multi-folder contact sheet would be perfect.

Currently, if I drop multiple folders onto the PM icon in the Dock, I get multiple contact sheets, as expected and desired.  If I drop individual files onto an open contact sheet they are copied to that contact sheet (as long as it is only of a single folder), also as expected and desired.  If however I drop a folder into an open contact sheet, that contact sheet is replaced with the contents of the folder.  Would it be possible to change that behaviour so that instead of replacing the contact sheet it adds that folder to the current contact?  For those who prefer the current behaviour, a preference could be added to set the behaviour on dropping folders into a contact sheet - either replace the contact sheet as now, open a new tab with the folder, or combine the folders into one contact sheet.

Is any of that feasible? Or does anyone else need this?

I suppose we could use the Option key (Shift on Windows) to control this behavior.  This would be far easier to implement than a command to combine multiple tabs into one dynamically.


Offline SamFrost

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Re: Opening multiple folder contact sheets
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2007, 07:00:50 AM »
You mean something like holding down the option key while dropping a folder (or folders) into a contact sheet to have it appear in the existing contact sheet?  That would be fine for me.  I'd just like any simple method of opening multiple folders into one contact sheet, without losing the ability to drop many folders onto the dock and have many contact sheets open as well.  I don't really mind exactly how it is implemented as anything would be an improvement on the current system (which is fine for one or two folders, but if you want to have many folders it gets boring!), so which ever way is easiest to add is great!

As I think I've mentioned before, I don't really use the navigator much - on a laptop I find it takes up too much space, and for most day to day jobs I'm only working with a few folders that are on the desktop so drag and drop is my usual way of opening contact sheets.