Author Topic: Importing Hierarchical Keywords from Lightroom export file  (Read 3608 times)

Offline Ranger Rick

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Importing Hierarchical Keywords from Lightroom export file
« on: October 27, 2010, 06:21:22 PM »
I exported from Lightroom 3 a txt file of the hierarchical keywords I developed in Lightroom.  The txt file shows the hierarchy with subordiante words tabbed to the right, as:

        United States

By reading prior posts, I found a way to import them, but they come in straight alpha order, not hierarchical.  The Structured Keywords IPTC Stationery Pad->Keywords->right down arrow->Structured Keywords...   shows them in the right hierarchy, but the Master keywords List has them in straight alpha order.

Is there a way to get the Edit Keywords screen to show the words hierarchically?  I find that using that screen is the quickest way to add multiple keywords to an image, double clicking on the words I want to add as I scroll down the screen.

The keywords chosen from the straight alpha list do show up in the proper hierarchy in Lightroom 3, but it would be easier if they showed in the hierarchical order in Photo Mechanic.

I am using Photo Mechanic 4.6.6 with Mac OS 10.6.4.


« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 06:52:15 PM by Ranger Rick »

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Importing Hierarchical Keywords from Lightroom export file
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 08:59:34 PM »

I exported from Lightroom 3 a txt file of the hierarchical keywords I developed in Lightroom.  The txt file shows the hierarchy with subordiante words tabbed to the right, as:

        United States

By reading prior posts, I found a way to import them, but they come in straight alpha order, not hierarchical.  The Structured Keywords IPTC Stationery Pad->Keywords->right down arrow->Structured Keywords...   shows them in the right hierarchy, but the Master keywords List has them in straight alpha order.

Is there a way to get the Edit Keywords screen to show the words hierarchically?  I find that using that screen is the quickest way to add multiple keywords to an image, double clicking on the words I want to add as I scroll down the screen.

The keywords chosen from the straight alpha list do show up in the proper hierarchy in Lightroom 3, but it would be easier if they showed in the hierarchical order in Photo Mechanic.

You need to import your keywords into the 'Structured Keywords' dialog/panel, not the 'Keywords' dialog/panel.  Only the Structured Keywords works with a hierarchical list.
