Thanks for the video. When sorting by Rating, (and not Reversed) the highest rated images are shown first, and the unrated images are shown last. When there is a tie in the rating, the images are then sorted by filename in descending order. When reversed, unrated images are shown first and the highest rated images are shown last. When there is a tie in the rating the images are then sorted in ascending order.
I suggest that you make a custom sort. Choose Edit Custom... from the sorting popup menu. Use {rating} as the Primary sort. Use {date} as the Secondary sort criteria. Set the "reverse secondary" checkbox. Give your custom sort a name that means something to you. OK the dialog.
You will have to Reverse the overall sort to get the 1-star images to appear before the 2-star images, but you will also now see the earliest shot images first and the later shot images at the end. (As long as the capture time/date is correct on your images.)