It may be to late tonight but here I go.
Been using PM for about 2 years and never had a problem. About 10 days ago I updated to PM5 and thought nothing of it. Today I come home from a NCAA football game and start to upload (locked photos only) I put my memory card in and hit the ingest and I see a progress bar flash in front of me and then goes away..... That's it, nothing else. I try it again, same thing... starting to get concerned cause I'm suppose to shoot the Atlanta Falcons tomorrow. I do everything I can think of and nothing works. I'm thinking I should have never went to PM5.
So here's what I do, I restore my computer to an earlier date settings. I try and open PM and it tells me NO, there was an error. What to do!!!
I go to Camera Bits and download a earlier verison cause I'm not sure which one I originally had.
I download it and it saves all my IPTC Pads, all my FTP information and everything looks good.
I go to upload locked photos and the same thing happened. FLASH of the progress bar and then nothing.
I've tried everything, what is going on?
? Please HELP ME