When I close all contact sheets and then close PM, it is freezing when I next open PM. Preferences are set to open the most recent contact sheet at launch. But if all contact sheets were closed, a dialogue window comes up to select a contact sheet but PM is freezing when I try to respond to the dialogue box. The only option is to close PM. It has happened more than a dozen times.
I had to ingest some new files to run PM at all - which triggers the ingest window and then opens that contact sheet at conclusion of ingest.
I'm not sure whether this had been a problem earlier with the 4.x versions - because I never ran into it.
I have reset my preferences to "Do Nothing" and I think that will keep it from trying to open a contact sheet and freezing.
Obviously the solution is to never close all contact sheets and them close PM - but that seems to be a bug.
I'm running PM 5.0.0 Build 15800 and Windows 8.1 - most recent build and all software current.