With Version 5 Build 16268 some file names don't appear under thumbnails in contact sheets. It's mainly the case with files with Nikon's .NEF suffix.
I attach an example. The affected thumbnail should carry the label "2014_11_07__DSF3014_C1_2.nef".
When I click on a thumbnail, the name appears in normal fashion at the top of the screen.
This behaviour occurs with:
-- Raw files from Nikon cameras (V1, D200 and D300)
-- files whose final edit was with Nikon Capture NX2 and saved as a NEF, whatever the source camera.
The ones in the screen grab were edited in Capture 1 Pro but only the central picture in CNX2 as well. (The source was a Fuji X-T1 RAF original. RAF files are displayed normally.)
I think the cause lies in the file structure or metadata, not the suffix. As a test, I changed the suffix of a TIFF file from .tif to .nef but PM still showed the file name with the thumbnail (but in red).
I've also tried reinstalling PM, starting it as administrator and holding down the shift key while starting it. None of these actions made any difference.
Any suggestions, please?
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