Hi, I am new to PM, running Photo Mechanic Version 5.0, build 16960 on an iMac OS X 10.11.2.
I have RAW and DNG images previously edited with Adobe Bridge. The rating, stars and color labels are shown in PM when I open a new contact sheet and browse to the image location.
But I could't figure out how I can see already existing Meta Data from the files, like keywords, and locations, etc. in PM.
They are shown in Bridge and Photoshop. But they do not show either in the IPTC Stationary Pad or in the Keyword Panel.
How can I see and expand my already existing Meta Data in PM?
If I search for a keyword though (Imperial Valley) PM shows me all the files as a selection that have this keyword. So it recognizes they are there, but I can't see them.
Thank you for your help. Best,