Author Topic: Option in Find & Replace to search for exact the same words?  (Read 4629 times)

Offline franslemmens

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Option in Find & Replace to search for exact the same words?
« on: April 14, 2016, 09:43:40 AM »
Is there an option in Find & Replace  to search for exact the same words?

I use Mac OSX (10.11.4)

For example in the field Keywords:
Animal, Plant, Canal, Netherlands, The Netherlands

I ONLY have to delete the word ‘Netherlands; and NOT 'The Netherlands'
If I use Find & Replace: Netherlands  & (empty)

’The’ is left in the keywords, instead of The Netherlands

There is an option for search (Edit) to search for exact the same words
Is there also an option in Find & Replace  to search for exact the same words.

Thanks for any help,

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Option in Find & Replace to search for exact the same words?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2016, 11:20:11 AM »

Is there an option in Find & Replace  to search for exact the same words?

No.  But you could search for "The Netherlands" and change it to something else (that is completely unique).  Then search for "Netherlands" replacing it with nothing.  Then search for your "something else" and replace it with "The Netherlands".

I think that will work though it's cumbersome.


Offline franslemmens

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Re: Option in Find & Replace to search for exact the same words?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2016, 11:29:54 PM »
Dear Kirk,
That's a pity, but thanks for the quick reply and anyway this a way to do it.
Best Regards,

Offline Graham1

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Re: Option in Find & Replace to search for exact the same words?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2018, 05:13:00 AM »
Sorry to resurrect an old topic, but this was the nearest I could find to the question I have.

This topic refers to finding and replacing the exact same words (i.e. string).  I wonder whether there is an option to refer to a whole word only?  If there is, I have not been able to find it.

The reason for my question is that yesterday I had a number of images, with the keywords "Europe" and "European".  I wanted to delete the former but retain the latter, so performed a search and replace, replacing "Europe" with a space.  This indeed removed all occurrences of "Europe", but also left me with multiple occurrences of " an" instead of "European".  This did not seem to be undo-able, and doing a further search and replace on " an" would have affected other unrelated keywords.

Therefore, is it possible to search for an exact string, or a whole word only, to avoid this kind of issue, and if not, could this functionality be considered?  Now that I am aware of it, I can search for "Europe, European" and replace this with "European", but it would be preferable not to have to resort to this kind of fix, particularly as it would not work with non-adjacent keywords.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Option in Find & Replace to search for exact the same words?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2018, 08:41:23 AM »
Therefore, is it possible to search for an exact string, or a whole word only, to avoid this kind of issue, and if not, could this functionality be considered?  Now that I am aware of it, I can search for "Europe, European" and replace this with "European", but it would be preferable not to have to resort to this kind of fix, particularly as it would not work with non-adjacent keywords.

No, the string matching is always a substring match.  Please make a feature request in
