I have some questions about photomechanic.
1. What is the main difference Between versions 4.6 and the newest verions 5 if I only is using it to fast select photos tagg them and move the tagged once to a new folder?
2. I use a Nikon D800 and i like to shoot jpg+raw, i really like that the program show bot files as one, and that i can delete both at the same time. I see when i zoom in or if i browse really fast, it needs some loading time.. So i was wondering if there was somthing i could adjust to make it even faster (i not that its big files). I see the setttings are set to disk cache size 512 and resevere at least 100 mb on the disk cache volume. The disk is an ssd disk. My memory cache size is 256mb.. My computer has 16 gb of ram. So it there somthing to gain her with tweeking theese?
3. The color manager, is it one when its a light in the colors? And off when there are not colors?
Hope for some feedback, thanks beforehand.