Author Topic: Workflow: inject creating folders by data and moving photos to proper folder automatically  (Read 3884 times)

Offline babuja

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Hi guys,  i'm using a trial photo mechanic and need some help about workflow.

I use a laptop for catalog and external HDD as source for all photos at G:/Photography folder.

I would like to setup this workflow. Is it possible?

1. Ingest photos from SD card
2. Cull/rating/keywords/metadata and other presets
3. Copy selected photos to G:/Photography,  rename and create automatically year/day folders and store photo files accordingly.
4. Open LR and add photos automatically to catalog

Any help is very appreciate.

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« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 05:10:57 AM by babuja »

Offline Kirk Baker

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Hi guys,  i'm using a trial photo mechanic and need some help about workflow.

I use a laptop for catalog and external HDD as source for all photos at G:/Photography folder.

I would like to setup this workflow. Is it possible?

1. Ingest photos from SD card

OK, use the Ingest dialog:

2. Cull/rating/keywords/metadata and other presets

You'll want to familiarize yourself with these topics:

3. Copy selected photos to G:/Photography,  rename and create automatically year/day folders and store photo files accordingly.

Unless you want duplicates of your images in their ingested location and their final location, use the 'move' option:

And for creating the directory structure use this option, along with Photo Mechanic's variables system.
Copy to this folder: Copies files to the base path plus an additional (optional) subfolder. You can use variables to create the name of your subfolder

Choose your G:\Photography folder as the base path by clicking on the '...' button.

Read about variables here:

If you give me a concrete example of how you want your folders named I'll give you the exact set of variables to use.  Assuming four digit year, and two digit month you would use:


4. Open LR and add photos automatically to catalog

Select your images and use drag and drop onto Lr.  Lr should bring up its import dialog.



Offline babuja

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Thanks for your help Kirk,  i'll give it a reading ????

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