(PM5 Build 18895 running on a Win10 Pro Build 14393 system)
I'm using the Rename Photos command to organize a large number of old JPGs with the following parameters: {datesort}-{timesort}-M
I've noticed that some images are ending up with new filenames that do not match the actual capture date/time. For example, one image was renamed with a filename indicating a date from last week, but shows an event that clearly is from last winter.
Upon examining the EXIF data, I noticed that the camera capture date/time fields are blank in every one of the files with incorrect filenames. The filename matches the file creation date/time data however.
After looking through the PM help file, it seems this behavior is working as designed since the {datesort} variable provides the "Capture date of photo according to camera or file creation time." My guess is that PM looks for the camera capture date/time first, and if that is missing it defaults to file creation date/time? Am I understanding correctly?
My concern is that unless I go through each image manually to look at the EXIF data (and there are thousands of files), it will be difficult to tell which files were missing CAPTURE date/time data and therefore now have a potentially inaccurate filename based on the file creation time.
Are any of these solutions possible? If so, what settings do I need to use? Option 1 is preferred.
- Use different variables in the rename command to force using only CAPTURE date and CAPTURE time. I'm trying to end up with a filename formatted like YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS when capture data is available, and all blank (except for a file collision suffix) when capture data is missing
- Force PM during renaming to add a text prefix or suffix to files that defaulted to FILE CREATION date/time because the CAPTURE date/time data was missing.
- Force PM to skip files that are missing CAPTURE date/time data during the batch rename.
Thanks - Ravi