Thank you for the log file. I see the ~30 second delays in startup. To find out what is causing the delay during startup I'll need for you to turn on some debug logging.
In order to turn the logging on, you'll need to create a file named PMDebug.txt and you have to place it among Photo Mechanic's preferences files. Photo Mechanic's preferences files are stored in the following location:
<your home folder>\AppData\Roaming\Camera Bits, Inc\Photo Mechanic\
Create the PMDebug.txt with your favorite text editor (it must be plain text and not some RTF or Word document.) It needs to have the following contents:
Save the PMDebug.txt file to the above folder. Then run Photo Mechanic and wait for it to start up. Next, go to the Help menu and choose the 'Reveal Support Data...' menu item. Your PM.log file should now be compressed and a Windows Explorer window should come forward and show you the file. Post it here like you did with the previous zipped PM.log.
Then go back to Windows Explorer and delete the PM.log file and the file you just sent me. This will start the next run of testing out clean.