Hi Kirk,
Nice to have the "old" keyboard shortcuts back in colorclass.
Star rating only works on single files with the ctrl + no.
If I select multiple files I have to use the dropdown menu.
Or have I missed something?
(Ver 4.5 Beta 2 running on Win XP SP2 MCE, Athlon 64 X2 4600 2gb RAM)
At least in windows, for multiple selections Alt-1 through Alt-5 and Alt-0 work fine. Also, the Ctrl-number combination sets the color class properly.
However, in the right-click context menu there isn't an entry for setting ratings. You have to do it via the main Image menu. But for the color class which is present, right-clicking multiple selections only sets the image that is actually clicked (like it were a single selection), the others are ignored. Is this the expected behavior?