My organization has a very strict security policy. It has been decided Mac devices must be updated to Mojave. Possible penalties for non-compliance include disconnection from the company network.
I currently am running Photo Mechanic Version 5.0, build 19695 (4a8c3fe).
Will this program still launch and work if my Mac Pro is updated to Mojave? I have heard that 32-bit apps will not work anymore.
I am in a bit of an emergency. PM is essential for me to meet deadlines on time, so I do not want to update because PM might not work, but I have to follow the corporate security policy.
Most people are using Lightroom so there is not enough outcry to push back against the required update.
Any info on whether my current built of PM version 5.0 will still launch and work on Mojave would be appreciated. If not, is there any workaround other than working from home after hours.
Thank you.