Author Topic: 4.5 beta UI  (Read 5249 times)

Offline Didz

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4.5 beta UI
« on: March 30, 2007, 02:23:53 PM »
Hi Kirk

I was wondering if it was hard to modify the UI appearance.

In older version of PM, the speaker icon to listen to the .WAV file in the contact sheet mode was easier to see because the icon was bigger, in the new UI the icon is smaller and gray, which a least in my case, make's it harder to locate on the contact sheet. I was wondering if you could change the color to make it easier to spot, or make it bigger, or both.

Thank, Didier

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: 4.5 beta UI
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2007, 03:12:34 PM »

I was wondering if it was hard to modify the UI appearance.

In older version of PM, the speaker icon to listen to the .WAV file in the contact sheet mode was easier to see because the icon was bigger, in the new UI the icon is smaller and gray, which a least in my case, make's it harder to locate on the contact sheet. I was wondering if you could change the color to make it easier to spot, or make it bigger, or both.

Others have given me similar feedback, so I have changed the image to have a red speaker icon which contrasts much better.
