Hi: Forgot to click "Notify," so I didn't realize answers were coming in---thanks!
Both of us "Jons" seem to have similar problems, and gear. I'm using an Epson R1800, OS 10.4.8, and trying to print on Epson paper. My PM contact sheet images are perhaps a bit dark, and somewhat off-balance, but too much contrast is the main issue. The shadows are completely blocked up. The advice to turn off color matching sounded promising; my results looked like a double-manangement problem. But it didn't help! I get exactly the same results as before. So, is there something else I can do? In PM preferences, how should color management tabs be set?
A further note, clue, and suggestion: I had been testing on small paper (4X6) yesterday. One time, I managed to get a promising print with good enough color and density. But I couldn't replicate the success in a larger size. And this happened before I was aware of the no-color-matching advice! I must have done something right by mistake, once, and now can't remember what!
While testing, I left the layout for the reduced-scale tests unchanged from full-size standard. As a result, PM thought the thumbnail size was too small, and grayed-out the print button. After many minutes of puzzling over why the print button was un-useable, re-trying, etc. I finally noticed the modest little error message that appeared much higher up in the PM print dialog box. I suggest that a future release changes these error messages to red.
Sure would like to fix this problem. The PM contact sheets are far nicer and more informative than the Photoshop CS ones. Except for how the images look.....