I was the Dev Manager for a very large document management system that manages hundreds of thousands of documents for large enterprise across many industries. Since that time I have used many systems, including some specifically for photographers. I have also been a long time Photo Mechanic user, back to Version 1, and was very unhappy when the first catalog announcements were made some years ago. Having to use multiple products is a royal pain in the tookus, keeping things in synch an extra royal pain. I was late to the party downloading this Beta, I only did it 45 minutes ago. Here are my first impressions:
1. installation quite easy, I was not expecting that PM6+ is a "superset" of PM6, not an extra program, kudos to Camerabits. I probably just wasn't paying attention earlier.
2. Within 10 minutes, including installation, I was able to add images to the catalog, figure out how to create added catalogs, have not done that yet. All surprisingly intuitive.
3. Biggest difficulty was figuring out how to search the catalog, found the answer, the Organizer, on the Forums.
4. Adding images from network drives is a snap, accessing them much faster than PM5.
5. Browsing in the Organizer very easy, still working to figure out how to do a Filter and use Collections.
It has taken me as long to read this thread and make this post as it took me to figure out how to add 100 images to the catalog and do simple browsing by keywords.
I'm still pissed that it took so long to arrive, but if the rest of my testing goes as well as the first 1/2 hour it will have been worth the wait.
To those who find the UI "difficult", it really follows much the way the entire UI works in PM6 from what I see. Yes, getting used to the Organizer will take me a bit. Keywording and searching is far faster than either LR or On1 for me, especially working on a laptop over the network.
So far, so good. Now to figure out how not show those pesky On1 sidecar files ... I know it is in there someplace.
Thanks, Camerabits, the thing I like the most is how seamless the process seems to be.