The Tagged/Rating/Colour Class filters (as found at the top) should be applied directly to the content of the catalog contact sheet. There really is no reason why you need to first click the refresh button. You don't need to do so when changing your criteria in e.g. the filter or browser tab either.
Note: I've asked this earlier but have now separated the request to be able to better track it.
How long are you willing to wait for the filtering to complete? If PM does the filtering itself without the help of the database, then when you have a large contact sheet and the metadata hasn't streamed in, you could wait for a significant amount of time.
The Refresh button is there so that you can make several filter changes and then do a single catalog query to get the results. We could remove the refresh button, and still rely on the database for the results, but every little filter change you make would make a new query.