This might be an issue with Aperture only rather than PM, but I thought there may be some relation to PM, as well...
I use PM to ingest my CR2 files to my PowerBook on location, renaming and embedding IPTC data on ingest. I've just recently started using Aperture and notice that all of the fields don't map correctly -- the copyright notice from PM, for instance, doesn't map to the copright notice field in Aperture, though Credit and Source do...
Odder still is that some characters get muddled somewhere in the mix. This "©2006 Shawn G. Henry • 978.XXX.XXXX" (entered in PM and read fine in Aperture) becomes this "¬© 2006 Shawn G. Henry ‚Ä¢ 978.XXX.XXXX" when the files are processed. The text still reads fine in both PM and Aperture, but the funky characters show up in PS and iView. Any idea what's going on with the characters?