When generating a Web Gallery using the templates, I can apply sharpening to the resized pictures used in the gallery (I assume the sharpening algorithm is optimized for web display based on the JPEG file dimension).
If I want to use some pictures on the web-site (but not as part of a web-gallery) I can use the 'Save As' function and save for example a TIFF file as JPEG, including resizing, sRGB convertion, watermark etc., but I don't see a function to apply sharpening. Due to the resulting resizing the saved JPEG's look 'soft'.
Is there a way to apply during the 'Save As' function to apply the same sharpening algorithm (when saving as JPEG) as used for generation of Web Galleries?
If not, could this functionality be added to the 'save as' dialoge box (perhaps a check-box called 'sharpening for web display' or something like that, which is active when JPEG is selected as output format).