Author Topic: A couple of things I would LOVE to see added to PM6 (Plus)  (Read 4031 times)

Offline jcable

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A couple of things I would LOVE to see added to PM6 (Plus)
« on: September 05, 2019, 10:36:26 AM »
* I wish new folders of images had the option to be automatically added to the catalog. I keep forgetting to add them to the master catalog

* I wish I could Airdrop an image directly from PM6. Right now I have to go to "Find the image on my computer" and THEN right mouse click and share.

* I miss the old ability to run a slide show by hitting command A, command L and Enter. I not have to hit the start button since the Enter button is not defaulted.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: A couple of things I would LOVE to see added to PM6 (Plus)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2019, 11:03:52 AM »

* I wish new folders of images had the option to be automatically added to the catalog. I keep forgetting to add them to the master catalog

How are these folders of images getting onto your computer?  If it is via Ingest, you can set the "Auto Catalog" checkbox in the Ingest dialog and all images downloaded by Ingest will be added to your current modifiable catalog(s).

* I wish I could Airdrop an image directly from PM6. Right now I have to go to "Find the image on my computer" and THEN right mouse click and share.

Drag and drop from the contact sheet to the Airdrop pane in the Finder doesn't work?

* I miss the old ability to run a slide show by hitting command A, command L and Enter. I not have to hit the start button since the Enter button is not defaulted.

We made that work again a few builds ago.
