Well, well, well, indeed, this is looking very promising.
A couple of months ago, I downloaded a beta and experimented, but kind of gave up. With this build, i've re-built a 40,000 image catalog and have begun to play. So far, speed is impressive on the WIN platform. As I perform my tasks and crash the system or experience slow downs, I'll be sure to report.
Compared to another nameless DAM, this thing is FAAAAST. Browsing for a xxmm lens image (for example) pulls up the images in just a few heartbeats... Lovely. One thing I would like to understand is when I find an error in my EXIF data, what's the best way to fix and write it back to the original file.
EG: I found some imported images from a scanner with Serial Number xxx which xxx is nonsensical - If I erase the data in that field, i am unclear the file is updated, and the database does not reflect the new information, ie the browsed xxx number still appears. i was looking for a synopsis of HOW it's supposed to work, but can't seem to put my eyes on one.. help?