Author Topic: Provide a way to call EXIFTOOL in the Metadata Template  (Read 4000 times)

Offline KeithRJ

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Provide a way to call EXIFTOOL in the Metadata Template
« on: February 29, 2020, 11:00:42 PM »
I often use structured keywords to either rename my images or to add to another IPTC field using Exiftool's very powerful functions which include the ability to use regex functionality.

Would it be possible to have an option to call exiftool for the selected images?

As an alternate, could you provide a way of testing if an IPTC field has a value or is empty.

As an example, I want to rename my file by stringing the two fields together with an underscore between them.  The issue I have is if the first field is empty then I don't want to insert the underscore.

{headline}_{filenamebase} -> Headline_IMG_1234.jpg if {headline} has value Headline
{headline}_{filenamebase} -> _IMG_1234.jpg if {headline} is empty but I would like IMG_1234.jpg

So, a special variable could be something like this:

{IF:{variable}, string to use if {variable} is not empty, string to use if {variable} is empty (optional)}
Note: the third argument is optional for when {variable} is empty.

As an example from above when {headline} is empty:

{IF:{headline},{headline}_}{filenamebase} -> IMG_1234.jpg
{IF:{headline},{headline}_,NULL-}{filenamebase} -> NULL-IMG_1234.jpg

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Provide a way to call EXIFTOOL in the Metadata Template
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2020, 09:51:44 AM »

Unless there were a lot more interest from users, I don't think we will be adding either option.

We have to finish up our product soon and then we can talk about extensions like these.


Offline KeithRJ

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Re: Provide a way to call EXIFTOOL in the Metadata Template
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2020, 05:14:52 PM »
No worries, thanks Kirk.