Author Topic: Catalog Tab Organization  (Read 6115 times)

Offline Bob Hendricks

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Catalog Tab Organization
« on: March 09, 2020, 01:09:03 PM »
I may be a bit confused, but here is what I am seeing when I look at the Catalog Filter:

1. Clear the filter and start afresh

2. Click on Filter and then on rating

3. Look at list of IPTC tags that are indexed (do I understand correctly that all of the IPTC variables in this list are indexed?)

4. There is a significant mismatch between the way the list is presented here and the way it is presented in the IPTC Template.  I will use only the variables for ArtWork or Objects as an example;

In the template, the Artwork or Objects table contains: Title; Creators; Creator IDs; Date Created; Circa Date Created; Style Periods
This is very logical to me.

in the Filter List, the Artwork or Objects filters are: Copyright; copyright owner; copyright owner id; Creator; Creator ID; Licensor ID; Licensor Name; Source; and Style Period.

Of course there are other examples of these differences throughout the entire list.

Unless I am missing something very simple, it would seem to me that it would be very helpful if the two listings were consistent. For example, if I want to find an art object by title, I have to look all over the Filter list to find the title--it is not with the artwork, as it is in the Template.

Personally, I pretty much like the template organization and have learned, over time, where most everything is. I am struggling to find tags in the new list based on how I entered my information from the template.

Can you make the Filter (and thus the Browse) lists more consistent with the IPTC template?  Or is there a technical reason why this cannot be done?

Bob Hendricks
Bob Hendricks

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Catalog Tab Organization
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2020, 04:31:09 PM »

Yes, that could definitely be improved.


Offline Soizic

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Re: Catalog Tab Organization
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2020, 11:34:59 PM »
Soizic (France)
MacBook Pro M1,Ventura, PM+ à jour, deepl translator

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Catalog Tab Organization
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2020, 02:54:02 PM »

I may be a bit confused, but here is what I am seeing when I look at the Catalog Filter:

1. Clear the filter and start afresh

2. Click on Filter and then on rating

3. Look at list of IPTC tags that are indexed (do I understand correctly that all of the IPTC variables in this list are indexed?)

Most things are indexed, yes.  But not everything is exposed in the Filters or Browse system.  The Organizer (panel that offers Search/Filter/Browse/Collections) was not designed to list millions of unique items.

4. There is a significant mismatch between the way the list is presented here and the way it is presented in the IPTC Template.  I will use only the variables for ArtWork or Objects as an example;

In the template, the Artwork or Objects table contains: Title; Creators; Creator IDs; Date Created; Circa Date Created; Style Periods
This is very logical to me.

in the Filter List, the Artwork or Objects filters are: Copyright; copyright owner; copyright owner id; Creator; Creator ID; Licensor ID; Licensor Name; Source; and Style Period.

I'm not seeing the capitalization that you've listed.  Those items are in the Filter system because they tend not to be unique, whereas the missing items tend to be unique.  For instance, a Title of an object or a piece of art would tend to be unique (there aren't multiple Mona Lisa paintings).  If you had a million paintings in your Catalog and the Filter system were to list all of the titles, you'd have a million items to scroll through.

We can certainly make "Creator/Creators", "Creator ID/Creator IDs" and "Style Period/Style Periods" be exactly the same in both places.

Of course there are other examples of these differences throughout the entire list.

Unless I am missing something very simple, it would seem to me that it would be very helpful if the two listings were consistent. For example, if I want to find an art object by title, I have to look all over the Filter list to find the title--it is not with the artwork, as it is in the Template.

The Title field of Artwork or Object is missing specifically because it produces unique items.

If you want to find a specific title, please use a search, either the Search tab or a Custom Search filter.  You would enter:

artobj.title Mona Lisa



Offline Bob Hendricks

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Re: Catalog Tab Organization
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2020, 05:28:00 AM »

Thanks for the detailed response.  Please see my recent posting comparing the Template and the IPTC standard.  It turns out that, for example, some of the fields that appear in the Artwork List are fields that appear in the IPTC standard but which are missing in the PM6 IPTC Template. This is great!! All that need be done is to add fields in the Template so that we can enter the data.

I think that part of the confusion arises because there are identically name fields in the IPTC standard that are used for different purposes.  You seem to be choosing to combine them into a single entry whereas perhaps they need to have separate field names and thus have separate entries as in the standard.

It appears to me that the manner in which you are doing the cataloging and searching is closer to the IPTC standard than is the PM6 IPTC Template and that the latter needs some updating to be consistent with both your new features and the IPTC standard. 

Great job! This is exciting.

Bob Hendricks

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Catalog Tab Organization
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2020, 10:23:44 AM »

Thanks for the detailed response.  Please see my recent posting comparing the Template and the IPTC standard.  It turns out that, for example, some of the fields that appear in the Artwork List are fields that appear in the IPTC standard but which are missing in the PM6 IPTC Template. This is great!! All that need be done is to add fields in the Template so that we can enter the data.

I responded to your other post in detail.  There are no missing fields in the Artwork or Object table.  We just simplify them or the table would be so wide as to be even more irritating to use.

I think that part of the confusion arises because there are identically name fields in the IPTC standard that are used for different purposes.  You seem to be choosing to combine them into a single entry whereas perhaps they need to have separate field names and thus have separate entries as in the standard.


It appears to me that the manner in which you are doing the cataloging and searching is closer to the IPTC standard than is the PM6 IPTC Template and that the latter needs some updating to be consistent with both your new features and the IPTC standard.

Again, specifics?

