1. When opening PM by dragging a folder of images to it’s icon in the dock, I converted the file format from .HEIC to .jpg. Then going through to select & delete (Cmd+delete) the .HEIC files, the application works perfectly except that the very next photo in the window (which happens to be a .jpg of the last selected .HEIC photo) becomes selected. I would think that when all the selected photos are deleted, nothing should remain selected. Otherwise one might mistakenly just begin adding more photos to be be deleted and inadvertently have included a photo that one did not wish to delete.
2, Once, upon attempting to restart my MacMini running OS 10.11, the restart was interrupted producing the attached “Restart bug” image. (I know that Bridge & Photoshop both do the same, when something has been done in either application until closing the app. I can deal with it but that is actually annoying.
[Restart bug.tiff]
ON Photo Mechanic Plus Version 6.0, build 4456 (c64473e)
3. I encountered a mysterious puzzle when opening a large collection of images in PM, then selecting about 20 for adding a keyword to the metadata. Some of them accepted the keyword, and 9 of them produced the attached info of which I am attaching a screenshot. I have also appended 2 of the 9 offending files in event you can find something in those files that prevented their accepting the keyword.
[PM Metadata Add-A.tiff]
[PM Metadata Add-B.tiff]
Further, I opened those same 9 files in Adobe Bridge, and they readily accepted the keyword. I then used Tech Tool Pro to assure that permissions did not block; I quit both PM & BIRDGE and emptied the caches. I had attempted to add the keywords in PM both by using the metadata template and the keywords panel. Since these 9 were the bottom (highest filenames) of the original selected group of images, I went to Both PM and Bridge and tried adding keywords both to individual and grouped files below (higher filenames) the offending files and everything worked perfectly!
Hope this leads you to some solution. - Jon Davidson