- [F5] Ability to filter by Catalog membership.
Please explain this feature in more detail. How would the UI work?
Contact sheets have a dropdown for [All, Selected, Tagged, Untagged]. Meanwhile, you have added empty or green circles to indicate whether an image is in a catalog. So a simple UI to filter by catalog membership would be to add the following options to the existing dropdown: [Cataloged, Uncataloged] (or equivalent). A "Sort by {incatalog}" could also be added to the other dropdown.
- [F10] Fully expand / collapse all or a category of fields.
Hold down the shift key when expanding and all children will be expanded.
That helps. However, there seems to be a bug: shift-click when another field is selected leads to all the fields between the selected one and the clicked one to become selected. This behavior should NOT be triggered when clicking on the expansion icon.
- [F7] In presence of multiple catalogues, allow user to control which catalogue.
- [F9] If selected images are present in multiple catalogues, allow user to control which catalogue to remove them from.
You can already control this either in the Organizer's Active Catalogs area or the Catalog Management window (uncheck the Add/Modify check boxes of those catalogs that you don't want your images added into.)
I see, that was not clear to me. Consider renaming "Include items in Catalog" and "Remove items from Catalog" to "... Catalogs" when multiple catalogs have "Add/Modify" checked, and graying out these options when no catalogs have "Add/Modify" checked.
- [F12] Make the list easier to parse visually. Currently, the field names and their values have the same appearance, making it hard to distinguish between them.
How do you suggest we do this? Making the labels bold or italics will hurt readability. Changing colors can be garish or cause problems for individuals that have color blindness. Isn't the presence/lack of the bar graphs with the item counts enough to distinguish them?
The absence/presence of the bar graphs certainly helps. Let's put this one on the backburner, not a high priority

- [F13] Ability to edit image metadata by drag and drop selection onto field value in Browser tab.
We would like to implement the ability to add/remove metadata from selected images, but it will be done with a contextual menu and not drag and drop.
Alright, but however you choose to implement this feature, consider making it easier to select from values already present in the catalog(s). Perhaps an autocomplete searchable dropdown of existing values to choose from, which also allows a new value (e.g.
- [F14] Why have a completely separate Filter tab to do AND operations instead of OR? Why not just add a simple switch to the Browse tab: ["AND", "OR"] and focus on making one interface awesome.
It's just not possible to use a treeview with AND logic and have it not be completely jarring in use. Each time you change a criteria, some or potentially all of the tree branches below will have to be modified or completely removed. It just won't work well.
I don't agree. Say there is an [OR/AND] toggle at top. When OR is selected, it works the way Browse works now. When AND is selected, the only catch is that you would not want to select multiple values of a single-value field (e.g. [Tagged: true] AND [Tagged: false] will always return an empty set). To help avoid this, alternates can be greyed out when one is already selected (e.g. [Tagged: false] greyed out when [Tagged: true] selected). When toggling from OR to AND with alternates selected (the only situation where toggling will definitely lead to an empty result), these can be highlighted in red to draw the user's attention. Nested fields like Folder Path or Capture Time could operate similarly. If Photos/A/... is selected, Photos/B/... would be greyed out. And so on. Of course, there is always the option to [Clear] and start over rather than toggling directly between OR and AND. Which is what we currently have, in clunkier form, with the disjoint Browse and Filter tabs.
By "focus on making one interface awesome", I mean things like:
- Record, browse, and reuse all past search/filter/browse queries.
- Save/delete queries for later reuse.
- Ability to (alt)-drag/drop images onto field values in tree.
- Display selected field values above full tree for summary view and easy removal.
- Ability to search and select field values in autocomplete style dropdown: For example, I should be able to type "Tag", have [Tagged: true] and [Tagged: false] (or Tagged: [true] and [false]) appear, select [Tagged: true] with arrow keys, and with enter add it to my list of filters. Repeating those steps could remove it from the filters list.
- [F15] Ability to search for field name in dropdown menu.
Please describe this in more detail? I know of no way to make a popup menu have a search field in it.
This is a pretty common interface design (either dropdown with a search field, or more commonly, search field with a dropdown). The tip of the iceberg (from the web side of things):
https://semantic-ui.com/modules/dropdown.html. I simply shouldn't need to know that e.g. Copyright is under IPTC > Artwork or Objects > Copyright.